8 de março de 2020

11.1.1 – The best tennis game! Lose weight on the go

also for our international visitors....

A powerful movement training, dynamic and that helps you maintain health with joy and fun!

The benefits of tennis!

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It is no longer today, that we look around and sometimes see the difficulty of people finding time for themselves and leisure, with so many demands of daily life. However, this is a matter of priorities. What we are and or need, at that moment to prioritize. However, in the age of technology, today we have many more options, to build a day to day with more quality and options, and clarity to execute a list of priorities that really bring us happiness and satisfaction. Today we bring you another interesting suggestion that can be a solution for your health, well-being and leisure. A very special sport: Tennis (Cybelle Casanova, had potential benefits in adolescence with this sport. He has always been a sportsman, he has already practiced several types of different physical activities such as rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, tennis, basketball, volleyball, yoga and exercises at home. when it was necessary because of such a list of priorities and needs in periods with or without children, among others, and in our sharing group it is inevitable that we bring to you, knowingly, benefits of practices and a sense of freedom through sport, and experimenting with various sports.) A long time ago, tennis was a sport for a few, more a participant in the high-income culture, it was already inaccessible to the vast majority. Today the possibilities are more accessible to many in Brazil. In other regions of the planet it was already well publicized.

        Tennis is a very efficient sport in its dynamics. Working simultaneous movements of the whole body, develops and strengthens all the muscles of the body, and in addition, works on motor skills, focus and resistance. Very efficient to develop a discipline with better motor skills and attention, and more freely in your movements. According to professionals specialized in the area, in the Tennis Magazine, with 30 minutes of a tennis game you have twice the caloric expenditure of 1 hour of running, in addition to a very powerful resistance training. That's right, in 30 minutes of training, double the caloric expenditure of 1 hour of running! If you want to lose weight and still gain conditioning to move a lot in your day without getting tired, Tennis can be an excellent choice.


Among the benefits:

* In a match it is possible to burn 600 to 1000 calories depending on the tennis player's level.

* It brings resistance and cardiovascular strengthening, decreasing the risk of heart disease and dysfunction

* Reduces anxiety, stress and depression, purifies the body, like most exercises releasing toxins through perspiration, stimulates the production of hormones that generate internal balance

* Beneficial to the brain and its activities. It is a physical activity that works with strategy and geometry, and many decisions during a match are worked with geometric bases from the perspective of the environment and the movement of the ball and the tennis player, for this, developing these mental capacities well, while training balance with perceptual and cognitive ability to move.

* Potentializes and gives precision in motor ability and focus in general: develops reflections, perceptual attention, ability to focus on the present, speed, balance, sense of direction, coordination, integration of perceptions (look and calculate) with motor response capacity , among countless other benefits worked in this sport. It should be done continuously, at least 3 times a week, for strong results.

It should be done continuously, at least 3 times a week, for strong results.


      Tennis works both with repetitive movements and with the ability to make decisions in the face of the unexpected and dynamic, through the present moment of focus and potential attention in the moment and counterpoint to the movements of the playing partner. One of the practices through repetition, but through the teacher's creativity can be very motivating and serves to develop self-confidence and motivate the athlete, is drilling. The drill is that training done with the balls thrown by the machine and or by the teacher, continuously, to train focus and motricity of interrelation with the ball and is very efficient for the athlete's self-confidence. Although in the past it had a look as a dull activity, today the aria professionals have already extracted the best of this practice, which can change the focus of the ball launch for the tennis player. Tennis training is healthy, dynamic and very intelligent. A widely used form is interval training, interval training. Where there is a variation with group activities, drills and matches between practitioners, and even ground training, to train the body, where the ball is thrown on the wall and the athlete's focus is on the reaction to the action itself. There are those who use all these models and those who select some of them.


       Understand some movements in depth:

       If the goal is to improve the student's technique, eye coordination, balance, etc., a great tool is to execute the blow without worrying about the target being hit on the other side of the court, thus reducing anxiety. "Take the court out of the student's front" and make him think of the movement only. This exercise is able to induce the practice of the blow (mechanics) with total attention to technique. It is enough that you position the student facing the fencing (or a screen) of the court and work the technique of strokes without the worry of successes and mistakes.


With the repetition of the blow on equal or very similar balls, with a programmed degree of difficulty, a great precision work for crosses and parallels, ball depth and technical adjustments of gestures and movements. Adding movement, we adjust and mechanize the complex calculation of correct distance for strokes. Here are two examples of technical adjustment drills:


A drill called a "windshield" - because the players' movement is similar to that of an automobile windshield wiper - is excellent for improving the calculation of distance from drives, movement, accuracy and power of strikes.

Correct execution: Two players work at the same time hitting balls alternately at the ends of the court.

Important: Repetition mechanizes the entire exercise. Players must remain in motion during the entire execution of the drill (as if they were playing) and must initiate movements for the ball to be hit after they are thrown, and not in advance. They must execute the movements correctly, going to the ball, tiptoe and returning to the center with the movement of covering the court, that is, with lateral movement.

Side by side

As the name implies, players hit balls at both ends of the court. A good number of executions are four strokes in a row alternating right and left. Important: As always, keep the movement correct - go to the front ball and return to the split step laterally. The movement can be more or less open depending on the technical and physical level of the players.


Training strategic game situations is simpler than you think. Just merge balls and strings that can happen in a match. Repeating situations of defense, attack, approach makes the student able to recognize these moments more easily during a match and can react more quickly according to what he is facing. - Revista Tênnis da uol

It is a sport with no age limit, from 4 years up to 90 there are practitioners and sportsmen with an efficient return on their benefits. It is great for group activities and making new friends. Even if you learn alone, inviting someone to learn what you know and is not common to everyone can be an excellent reason to meet new people and make more friends, in addition to attracting friendly attention to you and satisfaction of those who are benefiting from your teachings of new knowledge. Enjoy, learn new things, don't leave opportunities to be on the move for the little things in life that can change your life. Finally, we leave you with an international and accessible recommendation: IMPROVE YOUR POTENTIALS TODAY!